The following Violations were addressed in 2018:
Parking on the street- Please be courteous to your neighbors by not
parking on the street for long durations. Doing so impedes traffic and
could potentially be a safety hazard should an emergency vehicle need
to pass.
Speeding- Speeding is not only a danger to the driver, but it is also a
danger to the neighborhood. Please be mindful of your speed as you
drive through our community.
Pets- Try at all times to keep your pets on a leash or in a fence. It is
dangerous for the pet to run around the neighborhood and it can be a
nuisance to others. Remember, if your pet hurts someone, you could
potentially be facing a lawsuit.
In the event that you have a problem with your neighbor violating any
rules, please discuss it with them in a polite, neighborly fashion. If the
situation continues or becomes worse, please submit your concern
through the website and someone will address the issue as quickly as